The project’s most innovative educational element lies in its format. The combination of training courses with those of a production nature, with a view to enhancing the territory and international exchange..
Castello Errante is a small international film production brand. Each year, the project involves the formation of a film crew, comprising students from Central and South America and Italy..
Castello Errante connects more than fifty entities between institutions, universities, international schools, production companies, cultural associations, festivals, entrepreneurs, artisans, young researchers and students..
The Eighth Edition of Castello Errante – International Cinema Residency Comes to a Close
The eighth edition of Castello Errante - International Cinema Residency has officially concluded. This unique initiative continues to stand out as an innovative model of audiovisual training and...
Castello Errante International Film Residency will be hosted as part of the Rome Film Festival
On Wednesday, October 16 - 5:30 PM Castello Errante International Film Residency will be hosted as part of the Rome Film Festival, at the Lazio Land of Cinema Space - AuditoriumArte, (Auditorium...
Results VIII Edition Selection
The project will take place in Montenero Sabino (Rieti). The dates for the online residency are: from October 14 to 30, 2024. The dates for the in-person residency are: from November 6 to 19, 2024....
“Castello Errante has been one of the top experiences of my life! I can’t even begin to explain how much I learned and grew personally and professionally in that month. I also feel like the group had a great connection and the friendships we formed will last long, as well as the impact we had on each other and our work! Not only did I glean invaluable insights from our tutor and teacher, but also from my peers, while also feeling in a safe space to ask questions and try new things! I came back to Costa Rica with new knowledge that has been vital for my work since then! The whole experience took me out of my comfort zone in the best way possible, and I’ll always carry Contigliano and all the people I met there in my heart.”
“Castello Errante give me the opportunity to film outside my country, something that very few can say and that is so eye opening. Create and communicate with people from around the world and share a vision in common is priceless.”
“This experience was one of the most intense learning times I have experienced…learning from such wonderful teachers was a one of a kind opportunity. The other students were very kind and it’s very obvious that the selection process is flawless as I was beyond impressed with the work I got to see and it pushed me to try to be better by the time we meet”.
“Castello Errante gave me the chance to talk about a really important subject in a really hard time of my personal life and this is not something I can give back anyhow. To be listened, to make my own voice heard by a group of such kind, both high educated professionals is something I would never thought to be possible…It also helped me grow in so many ways that I didn’t expect, sharing ideas and thoughts with people so far from me”.
“My experience at the Castello was creatively very enriching, being able to share a criteria, experiences, ways of working and taste with people of such varied origins and cultures was totally gratifying. Humanly speaking, it was like a story by Garcìa Màrquez, arriving at a space and feeling that I already knew these place and these people before, and that it was an exceptional moment that would never be repeated, but that the ties we created there, in just two weeks, they transcend all time or space limits”.
“For me, it was a great experience, very constructive and edifying, as well as enjoyable and fun. I think the chance to compare yourself with so many guys from other parts of the world who share the same passion for filmmaking as you do, is a great asset!”.
“The experience was amazing to find different work experiences in each of the people who were part of this project, Castello Errante is undoubtedly a project that leaves on the table an Italian culture in which ad Latinos who live this experience are coupled and coexist with this culture, enriching each vision and specifically the projects in which we work. It was an enriching experience with creative possibilities that were exploited in the process with Latinos and Italians. It was very nice to be able to share with all of you and I am completely grateful”.
“Castello Errante has been the experience that I was waiting for my whole life as filmmaker. I always wanted to work with people from different parts of the world and exchange perspectives of filmmaking. Plus, the experience that we are gonna have by traveling and meet some beautiful landscapes, it’s priceless. But also it’s been a magical process, by discovering that everyone of us is here for a reason. Our ideas and thoughts has complemented so well that the group of residents are not anymore just a work crew, or a friend’s group, it’s a family”.